STATGRAPHICS Sigma express是Microsoft Excel的“外接程序”,使用戶能夠通過使用Six Sigma分析工具來學習或應用Six Sigma時執行所需的各種計算。 它為Excel中的6西格碼添加了一個菜單選項,其中包含DMAIC範式的每個項目(定義,測量,分析,改進和控制)的部分,以及工具和幫助的其他菜單項。 Sigma express的內容足以滿足綠帶和許多黑帶的需要,以便在Excel中執行6 Sigma計算。 此外,Sigma Express與STATGRAPHICS Centurion足夠相似,如果用戶需要其他統計功能,則可以輕鬆升級到該產品。
STATGRAPHICS Sigma express is an "add-in" for Microsoft Excel that enables users to perform various calculations required when learning or applying Six Sigma. It adds a menu selection to Excel containing sections for each item of the DMAIC paradigm (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) plus additional menu items for Tools and Help. The contents are sufficient to cover the needs of green belts and many black belts. In addition, it is similar enough to STATGRAPHICS Centurion that users can easily upgrade to that product if they need additional statistical capabilities.